Tuesday, February 22, 2011

Comparison of portable play station with iPod video

The new iPod video was one of the most amazing products due to the fact that 2005 do not include iPods video from the beginning of the fifth generation iPods in the year 2006.

Even so, the natural comparison of the customers (and not only) station made portable game, was also known as PSP and the new model of iPod series. PSP is produced in 2004 primarily a gaming console by Sony computer entertainment company. Reactions the public on this new device, which was quite different than almost anything on the market was very good, because the small device allows to see famous clients games and clips.

Compare these two devices batteries or battery is rather longer than the iPod a fact which much took the PSP device. While playing a movie the iPod battery dies after almost 2 and a half hours, while the PSP battery lasts longer than 7 hours, which is a big advantage.

To compare audio quality, the fact that both devices have a good quality audio; offer, said anyway provided video iPod clearer as the play station portable sound. This is because the law is AAC audio audio on the video iPod file encoded. On the other hand, PSP seemed low sometimes, but in general the difference was not relevant and significant. 2 Devices video quality is worthy discussion and debate on a subject. It is known that the PSP has a much larger screen. In this case, advantage better image is not equal: iPod to show a very clear picture and clear and sharp text (even longer). On the other hand, when we talk about the difference in conversation video is an iPod video takes about 12 hours to encode video, while the play station only needs portable a little less than 3 hours to do the same.

Compare the two devices, it is obvious that have both advantages and shortcomings. Video quality better in the video iPod device seems, the PSP has a longer life of the battery and faster ways to encode video. The iPod is still a smaller device, so it's natural that some features rather than on the PSP are optimized. Next, because it is smaller than the iPod to carry much easier once and use. Studies showed that the fact that both elements are sold, especially during the holidays, i.e. the fact that clients use as an element of entertainment in both summer and winter holidays.

2 Devices, while similar to practical use in many ways have advantages and disadvantages and pre-and disadvantages. According to customer's needs and desires, you can choose what best your need, time or quality expectations.