IPod video was a surprising new device in its appearance, due to the new and quality which can offer: video playback. In addition to disclose iPods, from its appearance on the market, a constant evolution, leads to the fact that the public and potential customers increasingly had expectations for this product. With a new offer and design, the new iPod video product had a series of new commercials, some authentic and some suspicious due to his false or less realistic.
Because the product still stores was and people don't expect such a product that appears, there were a number of teasing and in a circle on the Internet show controversial (as regards its authenticity). To new and relevant functionality for the device, such as video, meet potential customers were surprised by the evolution of the product and thus show the target set. One this map represents the video iPod in an unrealistic way (what means real iPod has other features optical and another design). The announcement was very short, which lasted only 15 seconds. The video begins with presenting some corners of the new device revealed a computerized manner.
A screen is this side of the device and the other playing the latest video, the band black eyed peas are converted (pump it). Music and rhythm were dynamic and fast, and so were the characters dancing while driving were. Suddenly, instead of the motto of the introduction of new hand movie theatre arrived shortly after that phrase hand new cinema was cut and the new phrase iPod appeared on the screen that introduces the new iPod.
The controversy surrounding this announcement focuses on the fact that the real iPod video no same characteristics as the one in the announcement: the real device seems very much like the first to the fourth generation of iPods, which means that the screen on one of the buttons, but those disclosed in the notice provides a very large screen, complete page of the device.
Also, there are many announcements of the new iPod video that are certainly true. The basic idea is that music, can see beside belongs is. Therefore chose the company Apple of famous artists in advertising for your products to enter: one of the featured show original species from Vertigo - U2-live-DVD from Chicago and other two featured Eminem and Wynton Marsalis. Ads with these artists were much longer than usual and basically played songs, but not with your videos; Manufacturer decided instead to some authentic images that would have the actions of this artist to illustrate a natural look and spontaneous. This new product of announcements have focused on the video, the functions of the device and the producers to play simultaneously, Sir symbolize the new range of possibilities that had to offer a new model of the iPpod.
The basic idea of the ads was clear, despite this 3 ads have very different goals. Based on the fact that the new device clients with different backgrounds and of different ages are to come, manufacturer and marketer, collect some artists that represent generations and best symbolize your taste and lifestyle: Eminem is for young people and hip hop music, Wynton Marsalis is representative for adults who like classical music and jazz and U2 is somewhere between other contrasting styles of 2.
Parallel to further viewing options with silhouettes dancers with more specified resources video represents. IPod video-show show definitely developed product has, has it optimizes a maturity and new image.